
Peninsula Green Rugby Football Club Registration 2019

The Peninsula Green Rugby Football Club registration process officially started on September 1, 2018 and continues through December / February. 

Registration Information – Age Group / Player Category Fees 

High School (Grades 9-12): [Varsity (Grades 11-12 + younger players who play up), Junior Varsity (Grades 9-10)] $350 per student with a $50 discount per additional sibling, full practice uniform included.

Note:  The Peninsula Green Rugby Club does not turn any player away because of the family not being able to make dues payment.  Talk to Coach Benson about schlolarship or aid or a payment plan.


Registration Process

  1. Online Registration.  Fill out player information on line.
    1. Instuctions to upload the following:
      1. Player Picture, Player pictures will be taken at practices in the club uniform and uploaded by the club administrator.
      2. Birth Evidence, Player birth certificate can be scanned and uploaded, emailed to the club [see below] or brought to practice and uploaded by the club administrator.
      3. School ID.  The current school id  card can be scanned (or digital picture w/ iphone or camera) and uploaded, emailed to the club [see below] or brought to practice and uploaded by the club administrator
  2. Payment – See payment alternatives below
  3. Forms – There are three forms for parents and players to sign.  These are available by clicking on the links below, going to the download page or obtaining them from the Peninsula Green Registration Administrator.  Fill out these forms and hand in or email to Peninsula Green.
    1. Pen Green Rugby Player Registration Form and Waiver
    2. Pen Green Rugby Player Medical Form
    3. Pen Green Rugby Player Code of Conduct Form

Registration payment alternatives:

The Peninsula Green Rugby Football Club uses the Adept registration system to minimize administrative overhead and to allow families to provide accurate (and up-to-date) data for each player.  There are several alternatives for the Registration process.  See below:

Online Registration:  Please enter player data through the Online Registration and make payments through one of the following methods:

  1. Pay by PayPal at the end of the Online process.
  2. Pay by Credit Card at the end of the Online process as a PayPal guest.
  3. Pay by Check to a Peninsula Green Coach or Peninsula Green Administrator.
  4. Pay by installment program – This program is available after discussion with a Peninsula Green Coach or Peninsula Green Administrator.  The program requires a $50 up front payment.  The remaining payments will be worked out with Peninsula Green as either payments or community work (or a combination).

Registration Assistance:

Please do not hesitate to contact Peninsula Green Rugby contacts with any questions about registration.

Bob Benson                           This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.                      (650) 520-1060

Kendra Cortinas                     This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.                          (650) 269-2580