Peninsula Green Rugby - Season Information (See details on Calendar)
The Peninsula Green High School Rugby Club plays a full season starting in January and ending in May. In the Fall, prior to the regular season, the Club starts practices on Saturdays to warm up for the regular season. After the regular season, In June the club starts up again with those who want to play summer seven-a-side rugby.
Oct - Dec: Saturday practices (See calendar for details)
Jan: Practices, Scrimmages and Non-league games
Feb – April: League game schedule (with some non-league games)
May: Playoffs and Tournament
For the remainder of Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr practice will be Mon and Wed evenings with Sat (or Fri night) for games, practice or scrimmage (depending on the schedule).
Practice - Mon and Wed - 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM - Woodside HS Football Field or Sequoia HS Football Field
Games - Sat - 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM - Woodside HS Football Field for home games (Practice / Scrimmage); Away games shown on Calendar.