Pen Green Middle School Team
The Peninsula Green High School Rugby Club affiliated in 2013 with the Peninsula Seahawk Rugby Club to form the Peninsula Rugby Football Club. The Middle School Team for the Peninsula Rugby Football Club will be managed by the Peninsula Seahawk Club and will compete in the Northern California Youth Rugby Association (NCYRA). Pen Green HS Club coaches will assist with coaching and players of exceptional talent will also play up with the Pen Green HS JV side.
Click here to go directly to the Peninsula Razorhawk Youth Rugby Club web site.
The NCYRA rules restrict players for League games to be age 14 or under (by NCYRA rules - September 1) or younger and registered with NCYRA.
The Peninsula Green Rugby Football Club fielded Middle School teams for the 2012 and 2013 seasons as well as having MS players play up on the HS JV side. The 2012 Middle School Team competed successfully in the 2012 Summer Sevens Series. The team placed well in every one of the tournaments, and won the Morgan Hill Tournament on June 17, 2012.